Product Features - The Search Engine
Feature 3:Search Engine
1. Introduction
The search engine, consisting of a network of address search tools, provides businesses with the ability to directly target potential customers while also rewarding those who are being sought after (earning rewards for being searched). During the Web 2 era, large organizations had a monopoly on user activity data, resulting in users generating data that the platform owned and controlled. These internet giants exploited and misused user information without providing any advantages to consumers.
Web3.0 has brought about a revolutionary change in the data landscape, empowering users with true control over their data and applications. This shift in power and decision-making authority is a fundamental aspect of Web3.0 app architecture, ensuring data and application sovereignty for users.
In the Web 3.0 era, search engines present a novel approach to attract users and revolutionize user growth strategies. These search engines have become the most commercially available tools, offering precise user data and fair compensation for data contributors. Projects can effectively entice users to their platform by utilizing the search engine for activities like airdrops. Through the search engine, projects can accurately locate the target users' addresses on -chain, greatly boosting their effectiveness in reaching the desired audience.
Moreover, search results can undergo filtering based on the target users' diverse EGO status levels, providing corresponding incentives to users on the Metavisa platform in real-time. This dynamic approach promotes user engagement and empowers projects to efficiently discover and connect with their desired audience.
2. The Search Engine comprises three core dimensions.
a) General Search: Metavisa employs the data method of user chain picture and depth computation to label addresses on-chain. General Search is then subdivided into searches for various tracks, including Defi, NFT, GameFi, and more.
b) Fuzzy Search: Fuzzy Search utilizes six refined feature values to find resemblances in user portraits, such as account assets. This advanced feature enables customers to access a group of users closely aligned with their requirements. They can subsequently filter out other user addresses that closely resemble the most suitable user address. The Metavisa R&D team offers strong algorithmic support for the fuzzy search function.
c) Beam Search (custom): Users enjoy unrestricted flexibility in selecting custom tags for their searches. For example, a consumer might choose to target airdrop players of the Axie Infinity game while also seeking on-chain assets valued at over $1,000.
Metavisa utilizes the fundamental principles of its Search Engine to create an enterprise-level Search Engine as a Service. These tools will include precise launch features, such as airdrop shops and user contribution calculation modules.
3. User income
A user gets an access to the $MESA rewards if s/he’s minted an EGO NFT to onboard into the Metavisa ecosystem. The rules are:
(1) Business users have to pay for Search Engine, and 80% of the money paid will be sent to the corresponding reward pools. The EGO NFT users on the search result list are eligible to split the rewards.
(2) In deciding how many rewards s/he can get, each user is assigned a weight which is determined by the level of the user’s EGO NFT. The higher the level, the more rewards s/he’ll get.
(3) It’s 100% sure that the EGO NFT users on each search result list will surely get rewards.
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